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1. 1 thing you should do when you receive a compliment or "thank you" from your boss is thank that person for acknowledging your hard work. It frees you from having to say anything else, if that's what you prefer. . Think being told; you look nice, and respond; thanks, so do you everyone is a winner! Sample Email Appreciation Message to Boss #2. For those who have been struck by impostor syndrome, the phrase "thank you" is almost always followed by the word "but.". Thanks for making me feel like an outcast. The new project will be an exciting endeavor for my team. 1. But if you don't know them, treat them like you'd treat a new boss-no physical compliments or complaints. Or could you please tell me how to say if there are any other ways? I also really enjoyed having the opportunity to work closely with these particular clients for the first time. Keep it simple. "Thanks, I am glad to hear that from you.". Smiling is a great way to show your colleagues and managers how you feel about a compliment or recognition. Show that you're comfortable receiving a genuine compliment. If a lot of your communication with your boss is by texting, try to treat it how you would in direct personal communication. Use this option for how to respond to thank you if you feel like what you did was truly not a big deal. 2. Compliment: I like your top. Sometimes it's helpful to consider the person's intentions before choosing what to say in response. Express your gratitude. Let's take a closer look at these suggestions: I hope I'll continue giving you my very best. Make eye contact. Don't dilute or overly downplay. Thank you, but I think I just got lucky. 1. I was hoping this was what you were looking for, and I really like it too.". If you can get your boss to think of you in this way, it will set you up for a lot of future success . It frees you from having to say anything else, if that's what you prefer. Nothing else. Then, when that starts to feel okay, and you give yourself permission to be complimented, you can try these responses; Compliment: I like your top. >> Just say thanks. CM. Add something to the compliment that pertains to it. I'm glad [it turned out well/you were pleased with the end result/our hard work paid off]. Some ways you can word your thank you are: As a kind gesture, you can say, 'Thank you a lot for your compliment. I just want to express how much I appreciate you as my boss. William Shakespeare. Best Quotes for Your Thank You Message to Bosses. This will mark you as a confident and diligent worker in their eyes. I appreciate your trust in me and your offering me the responsibility; it's an honor. C) It's exaggeration. I am pleased that you really enjoyed reading my articles. But this is not the way to handle criticism from your manager. /u/etchan mentioned that you should respond with another compliment or reciprocate the same compliment to the one who gave it to you.This is wrong. It sure did improve my sales skills and confidence in negotiation skills. Thank you for those kind compliments. "thanks, it's nice of you to say so" "thanks, I'm glad you noticed my hard work" "thanks, this is such a fun place to work, staying late isn't a big deal" And so on. If someone compliments something you did, you could say, "Thanks, I worked really hard.". First, just work on saying thank you. Another way to respond is to thank your manager for the kind words. Thank you for the compliment. Whether it's your boss telling you job-well-done for completing a big project or grabbing your co-worker a cup of coffee before the . The No. Besides complimenting your boss, our team has come up with a couple of level-headed phrases and idioms that can help you make a good professional impression, and improve your relationship with your boss. It's a great way to show your boss that you took "pleasure" from completing the task. I am blandished knowing that my column brightens your day and its worth your appreciation. Being my boss and leader has a great impact in my life. Accept the compliment. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and for being a good reader. 4. A compliment from another mom on your child's behavior. Staying silent doesn't mean you're letting yourself be pushed around. I also really enjoyed having the opportunity to work closely with these particular clients for the first time. "Thank you for the kind words. I realize you are occupied and appreciate you telling us that she is working superbly for you. Thanks so much.". A simple response of "thank you very much, I appreciate you saying that" or "thank you, I worked very hard . Use an emoji: Using an emoji is a great way to spice up a reply to a compliment. If you're like me, you may be tempted to say things like, "oh it was nothing, " or "anyone could have done it," in an attempt to appear modest. Address your supervisor by the title or name that befits your relationship with them, and try to keep the message brief. Here are the situations you'll learn about: A compliment from a friend on your clothing. But, because you should always aim to grow, focusing on that deficit will benefit you more in the long run than taking your compliment and heading back to your desk. Consider the recipient. For example, if someone compliments your jewelry, you can say, "Thanks, I got it at this great store, I love it.". Don't deny the compliment, argue its legitimacy, or insult the other person by implying you don't deserve the credit. Plus, by actively looking for small ways to grow, you'll show her you care about improving. Working under a boss like you really helps to elevate the whole work experience. If you receive a word of thanks, it is because you have done a job that is . Here are four tips on how to respond to a compliment: >> Watch your body language. It's a good reminder for the next time someone says something nice about you. 1. Thank you, you've made my day.". For a longer response, you can also say "I appreciate that" or "you've made my day.". The 'thanks for the compliment' reply. So, instead of shrugging off the recognition, Muse contributor KT Bernhagen suggests saying "Thank you.". When Your Hard Work Is Acknowledged. And sound like you mean it. Dear "Name", Thank you especially for the letter you sent complimenting ABC Business and its endeavors. Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 3 min read. If the compliment takes place in person, a simple, "Thank you" can suffice. Be Genuine and Remember They Are Human, Too. Reply to a person who gave compliments reading your blog/article/column. Give opinions that are more neutral, impartial, and not too blame. A compliment from a stranger. Make sure your body isn't contradicting your words. Avoid giving excuses or explaining. You've heard it, acknowledged it and thanked him for the same. And on and on and on. 06 "Sure". Another downplaying technique is to narrow the compliment. 21. If you want to give . This is just something to show that you agree with the compliment or that you at . Hana Ayoub, a New York-based executive coach, says that asking a follow-up question after receiving positive feedback is key. Learning how to receive a compliment can help you develop and improve your communication skills at work. You are not just a leader to me but you are also an inspiration. You put in extra effort and you're being praised for it. Ask your customer to spread the love. 2. Ignore it. 4. 1. Sample Letter 4. Refer to the following steps to learn how to craft the body of your email: 1. Give something back if possible. If you're doing a good job, it shows in your interaction with colleagues and the way your perform your job duties. Nurture a Culture of Recognition. Show gratitude to your boss by giving a simple reply to appreciation mail saying, "Thank you for . Remember that a compliment is often more about the giver than the receiver. Peer recognition can mean just as much or . Yours, Employee". Your boss's email to you was private, so your response should be a private one as well. Sometimes people feel the need to deflect or reject compliments by downplaying their efforts or abilities. Even if a little voice in your head says, "I don't deserve it," or, "He doesn't mean it," ignore your doubt. Well, not so much wrong, as it is the wrong advice to give (IMO). That sentence is a compliment when it tells bosses that they've successfully created an environment that, in your case at least, has resulted in high morale. B) Not really. Here are five helpful ways to respond to a backhanded compliment: 1. Here are suggestions for accepting compliments on your work: Say "thanks.". John F. Kennedy. "Thank you. In today's lesson, I share 4 real-life examples of compliments with how we should respond and what you might actually hear. 05 "No worries". 'Sir, I understand your anger over the issue'. I really appreciate what you just said.". By accepting the compliment . Sample letter for responding to a compliment letter. Use the "Praise Back" Method. If there really is a problem in the company . When responding to a compliment, make eye contact, smile, and use open gestures to reinforce your message. Don't overdo it. Here's what to keep in mind when you want to praise someone for their work: 1. We are blessed to have all three- boss, mentor, and manager- in you. It made my day at work. Some of you get all flustered and worked up. Smile, make eye contact and shake your boss's hand if the gesture is appropriate. 'Sure' is a good response to use when you just want to get the moment over with. Be genuinely grateful. It means a lot to me.". Discussion; RE: Sample letter to respond to a compliment letter -Janhvi Johorey (03/04/14) Sample letter for responding to a compliment letter I would like to thank you for your kind words of appreciation regarding my presentation at your company's New York office on how to improve sales and marketing at New America Book Publishing Limited. "Much obliged" is one of the most formal responses to a compliment and it means the same thing as "thank you.". And, in a sense, it's a way of sending a little praise back to the person who gave you the compliment, telling them you appreciate them taking the time and thought. Your motivation and kindness are a few traits that make you the great leader that you are today. It's it's from him, a quick thank you will suffice. "A question might be, 'Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from you.