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Pisces. Alignments between Saturn and Uranus are a collision between the old and the new times when change You will become quite rebellious, impatient and restless, and will change your mind often. AstroSeek, Free The 5o 55" Aquarius Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of February 1997 draws Scotland's Ascendant/Descendant axis onto Mary's third-ninth house cusps, showing the inspirational link between Scotland and Mary's work. Uranus rising always causes the native to be somewhat original or eccentric, and quite different from the everyday type. From the outside, transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant is notably nuts. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant. Weekly Horoscope; Amber Heard Horoscope Suspicion and Mistrust; When Uranus is defeated, irregularities are formed in the figure, a different eye color, an unusual appearance, which first repels, then attracts. The owners of the Uranus-Ascendant conjunction are easily given the exact and humanities due to the rare combination of analytical thinking and rich imagination, but the sphere of empathy and empathy remains unknown, with the exception of the position of the Moon and Venus in water signs. When Uranus went over my Ascendant, I had a totally out of the blue breakthrough around a dream job. Jupiter Conjunction Uranus 743109 Jupiter Conjunct Uranus: intuition and judgment work hand in hand if Mars and Mercury do not afflict this aspect. (Linda-Goodman.com) UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! Maybe, after a while, you didnt even try or care. Any planets that are conjunct your Ascendant will influence your appearance and personality in a greatly. Pregnancy, marriage. You want an alternative way to express yourself and your Aquarius Ascendant will demand it through rebellious Uranus conjunct the Sun. You can also search for multiple planets in a chart at a time by using the Advanced Search. Appearance: Vibrant, eccentric and born to stand out, these people garner attention everywhere they go. Born with Aquarius on Your Ascendant. May 2, 1972 at 6:02 PM Where Uranus is in either the 1st or the 12th house.. Ascendant Conjunction Uranus Meaning, Natal Birth Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. These are the folks that you often meet in your youth that feel so intimate, they feel like a soulmate. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can indicate a tendency to overwork in order to compensate for sexual problems or problems with repressed anger. I have two friends with Sun conjunct ascendant, but one has Pluto there too. As the other poster mentioned this could be in the form of proportion or it could be more global, such as making the native striking and eye catching. Ascendant Conjunction Uranus Meaning, Natal Birth Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. You suddenly see your persona and appearance as more of a fluid construct than a fixed concept of you.. Venus conjunct Mars. Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by the planetary position of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto. By planet: He does not have Saturn conjunct or opposite the Ascendant or Midheaven. Signs-> aquarius-> aquarius-sun-ascendant. And lets say its conjunct the composite Moon. If Venus and Uranus form an aspect (especially conjunction, square or opposition) in your horoscope, your social and relationship needs become intensified in a unique way. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2022 Astro-Seek.com. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, its thrown out of whack and you like it. May 2, 1972 at 6:02 PM Vesta Aspecting Mars: The harmonious aspects ( conjunction, sextile and trine) show increased ability to focus one's energy, especially on work. Last outer planet that transited my ascendant was Uranus and its effect was a horrible one. You're not keen on playing out preset roles or by anyone's rules. The aspect reached peak power on April 3 at 8.51pm GMT and by then the cry for freedom and liberty was resonating throughout the Arab World. A natal Uranus conjunct ascendant aspect can make you come across as an Aquarius rising, regardless of your actual ascendant sign. As Venus and Mars rule opposed signs, if the conjunction is in a sign where Mars is strong, Venus will be weak, and vice versa. When growing up, you perhaps were sharply made aware of how you don't fit in any neat boxes. 189 people found. I know with Uranus conjunct my moon right now, my stress and anxiety is through the roof ! Dwayne Johnson. Natally I have Sun in Aries in the 12 house, 1 degree away from my Aries ascendant; practically sun and ascendant conjunct. L. on July 18, 2019 The moon conjunct Uranus placement is all about freedom, expression, and rebellion. They may appear to be a bit out of step with their contemporaries. Asc: Sagittarius Sun: Capricorn, house 2 Moon: Libra Uranus in 9th house Virgo square Ascendant Uranus conjunct Pluto Jupiter inconjunct Uranus & Pluto Lilith in 12th house Scorpio Eros in 3rd house Pisces tightly trine Lilith Aquarius Ascendant can be unpredictable and may behave in a contradictory fashion. My ascendant is in 16 degrees Pisces. An Aquarius ascendant is favourable for astrological associations. Subscribe via email. If Uranus is located within 10 degrees from your ascendant, you can say that they are conjunct. Most astrologers use an orb of 6-8 degrees when it comes to conjunctions, but with angles, you can allow a wider orb. Uranus conjunct ascendant is similar to being an Aquarius rising. The 1st House person can encourage the Uranus person to be more forceful and positive in expressing unique and intuitive ideas. When Uranus crossed my ascendant it was travelling with Neptune and I got divorced. Uranus Rising - Uranus in the First House or Ascendant. This article is included in the Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven & IC Most astrologers use an orb of 6-8 degrees when it comes to conjunctions, but with angles, you can allow a wider orb. Sagittarius Sun or Ascendant. Then on March 18, 2011 Mars in the sky moved into orb of a conjunction aspect with Uranus. Which makes me think that maybe asteroids connected to planets in a powerful configuration are just as prominent. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. You are either in very good company or you are in the company of some very strange individuals. Dwayne Johnson. I will have transiting Uranus opposite my 5:47 Libra Jupiter/Uranus midpoint exact on the 5th of Feb 2013 and on the 19th Feb transiting Jupiter will be exactly conjunct my 7 degrees Gemini natal moon (ruler of 5th house) and trining my natal Mercury and Jupiter conjunction at 7 & 8 degrees Libra exact about 7 days later. Although the effects of this cycle are not always apparent, when they do manifest, they can be very strong. They aim to find ways of solving complex issues such as poverty or injustice. Personally, I tend to consider it quite an important influence both from my studies on other charts and from the influence I have found it holds in my life and in my relationships. Uranus in First House Conjunct the Ascendant. Birth Charts of People with Uranus Conjunction Ascendant. Thanks. Pluto Conjunct Uranus. The ninth house is highly relevant to authorship. Recent Articles. You will have such an urgent need for this liberation you may make drastic changes in your lifestyle, appearance and even job. If you were born during the Uranus in Aquarius transit, it doubles the eccentricity. This transit brings excitement, rebelliousness, and sudden reversals of your life direction. Theyre ship-shape, with an But because Saturn and Uranus both move slowly and have relatively similar speeds, they will remain within orb for much longer 2 years to be exact. Intuitive powers should be trusted and acted upon if not afflicted by Neptune. Venus is the part of you that bonds with others through attraction and trust. Love and Romance: They have no problem attracting others, but do have a tendency to be unpredictable. But this level of sparkle can only be sustained for so long. TikTok video from celine (@moonchildastrology): "Reply to @discoball777 uranians! Chiron conjunct Ascendant in Synastry. and loves his Mum: when he was little he told me: Dad is super but Mum is extra super ! Neptune is already conjunct my ascendant point. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2022 Astro-Seek.com Ceres Aspects Uranus: Stressful aspects between Ceres and Uranus indicate that the early nurturing was erratic. moon conjunct ascendant. We have both our Uranus touched by Saturn natally, synastry both Uranus and Saturn contacts as in composite an exited Venus by Uranus with the Saturn/Moon emotional/material responsability for one another. Sun in Aquarius conjunct Uranus in Aries. The Sun Conjunction Ascendant chart interpretation gives the feeling of wanting recognition while at the same time being exciting, original and innovative. You want an alternative way to express yourself and your Aquarius Ascendant will demand it through rebellious Uranus conjunct the Sun. uranus conjunct ascendant Asteroids Birth chart Featured . Chiron is increasingly gaining more attention both in natal and synastry charts lately. Progressed Sun in Aquarius Sun enters your natal Ascendant (1st house cusp) sign, you can feel an integration of your personality occur. The former developed the concepts and technology that would become the computer, and he never ceased to be an outsider. The person is more masculine in manifestation. any uptight Aquarius needs to avoid being overly suspicious, and a Scorpio personality is usually just that. You can easily float away from one another, so try to maintain a connection. Relationships are built on mutual interest in new trends that are reshaping the social worldview. Similarly, a person with a Aquarius Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will behave differently than someone with a Aquarius Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. The following interpretations incorporate the position, by sign, of Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius. Issues facing Saturn in Aquarius. For example: This conjunction in Aries it is daring (with Mars strong in the sign it rules) and therefore more physically dangerous. 189 people found. Moon. I feel a strong urge to start all over with everything in my life..and so restless.like I'm so ready for a change. Uranus intensifies what it touches, and gives it your unique personality. With Uranus in the 11th House / Aquarius, peoples humanistic, altruistic side may be highlighted, and they are extremely open-minded and may feel a deep need to change the world as they see it so that its more as we would want it to be. If Uranus is located within 10 degrees from your ascendant, you can say that they are conjunct. Remember that an opposition to the Ascendant is also a conjunction to the Descendant. Allow me to explain. Being with friends would also be a nurturing experience, and the friends, in turn, will probably feel nurtured. This could take the form of mutual interest in metaphysics or yoga, meditation and other spiritual discipline. You enjoy being a step ahead of others with your ideas, projects, or knowledge. Ariana Grande 007, Leon Blum 021, Karen Carpenter 023, Mary Pierce 027, Linda Marshall 053, Walter Wenck 122, Aquarius. Nicholas Cage. As Uranus transits your solar 6th house, you may experience a voluntary (or not) change in your employment status. For example, Uranus in the composite 5th House will influence the area of children, romance, ego and creativity. Aquarius Ascendant in a Nutshell: Personality: Natural problem solvers, theyre able to see the bigger picture in a situation. The 1st house shows people who are part of In the natal chart, Uranus-Ascendant aspects show how provocative, different, or rebellious you appear. Much depends on the sign. Our composite has Aquarius Ascendant with Uranus trine Venus Pisces (5th ruler) and Saturn conjunct Moon Cancer trined by Sun. Venus conjunct Uranus in relationship synastry implies an unpredictable, exciting, and heart-throbbing romantic relationship marked with creative and unconventional support for each other. I have a Pisces ascendant and Uranus recently crossed over. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. When Uranus, the awakener comes to the cusp of the 1st house or the Ascendant, expect the unexpected! The transit of Uranus conjunct your natal Ascendant is a hard test for your intimate relationships and for your friendships. Same degree as his mothers Sun sign. A Venus-Jupiter conjunction for example lasts for 1 day only, and the next day Venus is already out of orb. Can you comment please on Uranus conjunct the Ascendant in a natal chart. Uranus on Aquarius compatibility with other placements might not be easy, but the same works out fine. You know how to relate better with people; hence, the reason why people get easily attracted to you and your personality. Uranus in Aquarius personality are hardworking and committed. May 11, 2021. Uranus aspecting the ascendant may give an unusual look. I have a stellium in Aquarius (sun, rising, Mars & Saturn). They always find a way around tough situations. You will find a great deal of energy during this time and you will want to break free from restrictions and obligations that have held you down in the past. Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in conjunction with the ascendant or MC can show the outsider or horses with longer odds are likely to win. With Uranus conjunct Jupiter, a surprising event or turn of events alters the normal workings of your life. You can also read the meaning of the other 143 sign and Ascendant combinations. If it is in a sign more close to the Mars symbolism, like Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn then the influence of Mars will be higher and the Mars characteristics more obvious. Uranus Square Ascendant Synastry, Transit, Composite. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. Progressed Vertex conjunct Natal Venus (1 degree orb) Progressed Sun conjunct MC (1 degree orb) I cant help but feel all these transits happening at the same time mean something big is happening. Uranus is known as a generational sign since it affects a cohort across a time span. I have Uranus in my 10 house, 2 degrees away from my midheaven. In the singer's chart, there is a conjunction straddling two signs, with Uranus at 27 Scorpio, and Venus at 0 Sagittarius in the 9th House. The aspect is in square with the Ascendant in Aquarius, which intensifies the tendency for troublemaking of Uranus, ruler of the sign. You may find it hard to keep a daily routine during this time, and pets could be disruptive or demand more of your attention. These texts about the sign of Aquarius and Uranus might interest you. The pairing of Venus passion and Uranus uniqueness gives birth to a sparkling relationship that will be remembered for years. Sun in Aquarius conjunct Uranus in Aries. #uranians #uranusdominant #aquarius #fyp #astrology #zodiac". It's likely you won't feel unsettled by it and can deem it good, like a sudden windfall or a long-anticipated victory. And they always have an urgent understanding of exactly what to do when the pressures on and the crap hits the fan. Posted 12 years ago 10 notes . I 731 Likes, 21 Comments. Uranus Conjunct Natal Ascendant. The characteristics of an Aquarius Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant, planets that aspect the Ascendant, and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. My boyfriend is an Aquarius Ascendant, he has Cancer Sun conjunct Uranus. Your Ascendant is who you come across as, your outer self, and your Sun is who you really are, your inner self. The text below is the interpretation of Birth Charts of People with Uranus Conjunction Ascendant. This trait is also present with the other harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) but not quite as strong. - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Reply. But his Saturn is prominent anyway as part of a tight Grand Trine linking the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto. I read it's a good time to "reinvent yourself". The Uranus motto here is, out with the old, and in with the new. Uranus conjunct ascendant is similar to being an Aquarius rising. The Moon Square Pluto synastry is a little infamous in the world of astrological interpretations. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. While in Aquarius the daredevil will manifest in spaced-out ideas. An ascendant is its starting point, which concerns your appearance, health, and vitality. When these partners first got together it probably felt (Moon) exciting (Uranus), and over-the-top romantic (5th House). Links with Uranus Element: Air Mode: Fixed Born with Aquarius on your Ascendant (or Rising), you are likely to be an innately logical individual, with a natural tendency to look at things from an objective point of view. Uranus aspects to the ASC may give an unexpected allure or unconventional beauty. For Uranus, Aquarius is most typical, whose role in the horoscope increases if the sign is filled with planets and / or the Ascendant. I also have Aquarius rising so I guess thats would make the Uranus energy even more impactful ? Generally what you start now can usher in a new direction that can carry you for a long time. Brainstorm: Uranus/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Uranus and the Ascendant. July 16, 2021. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. K.E. The opposition is not a stressful aspect here. I have Natal Uranus in the 7th house trine my sun and opposite my ascendant, Aquarius ascendant, Venus in Aquarius. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. This typically is a time for a complete change in certain areas of your life where you can unleash your independence. When Uranus transited my sign from 1996 to 2002, they were the scariest seven years of my life. Answer: It potentially means more than you can imagine. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. Uranus in Aquarius people like to take up social causes and get others interested too. At the same time I've got SA Pluto changing signs to Scorpio and trine my natal Mars (Mars rules my 7th house); SA N.Node is 1 degree behind Pluto and SA S.Node is conjunct Progressed Venus (Venus rules my ASC and 8th). He is stubborn, moody and eccentric ( Aquarius Sun)! Uranus Conjunct Jupiter Transit. Uranus conjunct the ascendant or the Midheaven, Uranus- big 6 aspects Several planets in Aquarius Sun, Moon, rising, Midheaven in Aquarius | easy to spot. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Synastry, Transit, Composite. I also joined a gym and trying to get in better shape. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Natal. Aspects / Astrology. From an emotional point of view, the Moon conjunct Uranus transit can bring about many changes in moods and chaotic behaviors, together with contradictory feelings, unpredictability, an inability to get things done, impulsiveness and the impossibility to commit or to be responsible. Brainstorm: Moon/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Ascendant. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Ceres in Aquarius: If it's weird, someone with Ceres in Aquarius will be likely to find it nurturing. Uranus Intuitive in: Aquarius: interest in metaphysical. Free Online Astrology, Synastry Chart Aspects, Meanings and Interpretations. If the progressed ascendant is in the second decanate of Aquarius (10 degrees to 19 degrees and 59 minutes), the general interpretation for Progressed Ascendant in Aquarius applies, as well as this: This will cause the native to take a deeper interest in all intellectual pursuits. And their unique vision of the way reality works helps them to look at things differently than others. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. He also has Jupiter and Uranus in Aquarius, showing his enthusiasm for humanitarian causes and his interest in science. It gives a keen interest in all things occult, curious, profound, or metaphysical. Birth Chart: Planets and Asteroids that Conjunct the Ascendant. New methods and innovations intrigue you. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Planetary ruler: Traditionally Saturn. Uranus is known in astrology as the "Awakener," since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Ascendant Conjunction Ascendant Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Interpretations. One thing after another happened. You strive to be an individual, an original. Hi, just passing by this site, I have this conjunction, you may help me understand it because it is more complex than you think: Saturn at 20. 16. The feeling will be incredibly familiar, easy and comfortable. Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! Uranus on my ascendant, conjunct Jupiter & Chiron, opposing Uranus, squaring Saturn. With Jupiter forming a sextile to Uranus in the birth chart, you have faith in the future, trust your visions, and welcome change and innovation if you expect it will improve your life. Yes, that's because you've known them for lifetimes! Often times, these are relationships that we develop intimately first, early in Composite Uranus to Composite Jupiter With Composite Jupiter conjunct Composite Uranus, there can be a lot of space in the relationship for each of you to do your own thing and be true to who you are as individuals, but it may be too much space if youre not careful. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant Celebrities. Ascendant Conjunction Uranus - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. They are likely to be interested in music, design, science or sociology. Some of the most dramatic moments in a life arrive when transiting Saturn or Uranus, or Neptune, or Pluto, in hard aspect to natal Sun, Ascendant, Midheaven or Moon, are added to an Ascendant, a stellium, a Sun or a Mars of Solar return in the Sorry I am very straightforward. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog It rules Aquarius, the quirky innovator, and sometimes these upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favor of a more liberated path. Ascendant Conjunction Ascendant - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. TRANSITING URANUS CONJUNCT THE ASCENDANT IN ASTROLOGY If you have a Taurus Ascendant sign around 12 to 15 degrees, transiting Uranus has been stirring up matters. Answer (1 of 2): I am glad to see that you are asking for a description of the placement itself and not the person with the placement, since we know only limited and unreliable information about somebody when only consider a single, or even a few elements of You can find dozens of celebrity horoscopes with the Sun in Aquarius and the Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme. No one can predict what your next actions will be. The conjunction to the Ascendant makes a person more marriage oriented, especially if Juno is in the 1st house. The Sun Conjunction Ascendant chart interpretation gives the feeling of wanting recognition while at the same time being exciting, original and innovative. Examples of charts with the Sun in Aquarius and the Ascendant in Cancer. This particular aspect will make you very original and unique, people will be attracted to your eccentric personality. After Your Uranus Transit. Uranus at 26. Do you think any of this means anything. Mars conjunct Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. I've got SA Uranus exact conjunct my ASC (Uranus is ruler of my 5th house). Astro-Seek.com Seek and meet people born on the same date as you Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces || 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. Transit Uranus Conjunct My Ascendant. Virgoans with Aquarius rising are electrically charged with a sharp sense of humor and a vivaciously friendly attitude. Mercury. 2 yr. ago. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. I love Uranus transits. Your First House, starting with the Ascendant (the actual cusp of the 1st The text below is the interpretation of - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. Brainstorm: Uranus/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Uranus and the Ascendant. Aquarius Rising is extremely interested in the future and the past, but they may get lost when it comes to the present. These placements often depend on generation impact. Or the asteriod position of Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, etc. The moon is currently in Aquarius. 12th house Juno in Aquarius conjunct Ascendant. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2022 Astro-Seek.com For example, Alan Turing had Uranus conjunct his Midheaven and that Friedrich Nietzsche had Uranus in close opposition to Mercury (and Sun opposite Pluto). The aspect in which the Ascendant is involved has a profound effect on social behavior and the way people achieve success in the profession. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about bringing the light. Psyche & Amor conjunct in Aquarius Lilith in Capricorn conjunct Lust. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. Go to: 2nd house 3rd house 4th house 5th house 6th house 7th house 8th house 9th house 10th house 11th house 12th house.